Set up a development environment

Set up a development environment

Elgar's blog
Elgar's blog

This is the configuration in my development front end.

Package Manager

Home brew is papular package manager for macOS and Linux.


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# in china use this command
/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL


In order to code better, we need to install code fonts. I usual use cascadia Font. You can in this website install Nerd Font.


I chose zsh as my default terminal. first I install oh-my-zsh. oh-my-hash is a framework for managing your zsh configration. I use the oh-my-zsh plagins.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

if you want a beautful terminal theme, you can chose oh-my-posh. use this commanda install:

brew install oh-my-posh

after install you can chose a shell theme use. this is oh-my-posh website.